
Life and Times of a Mommy(:

Four Years…

This was taken on Easter. That is mine and my little brother's hand over my belly. This was the weekend before I had him

This was taken on Easter. That is mine and my little brother’s hand over my belly. This was the weekend before I had him

April 18th, 2010 started out like any other Sunday morning. I was 36 weeks pregnant and as big as a house. I mean ginormous. I woke up, got dressed in the comfiest dress I owned, and went to church with my parents. After church, my step mom and I went to Taco Bell. I told her that I was having some weird crampy pains in my stomach. They didn’t really hurt, they were just kind of annoying. “Oh,” she said, “I bet it’s the Taco Bell acting up. I bet Trey doesn’t like it.” So off we went to my baby shower.

The shower was at my best friends house. Sadly, she was at work. But my other best friend was nice enough to show. So there I was sitting there on my best friend’s mom’s prized leather couch. Everyone was getting there food and drinks and party favors. They were all women from my step mom’s Sunday school class, so they were also discussing the sermon and class from earlier. The presents were scattered haphazardly around me waiting to be opened. I glanced over at my best friend and whispered, “you know it would really suck if my water broke right now…”

“WHAT?!?! Your water just broke!?!” My best friend practically shrieked across the room. She was, and still to this day, not the master of subtly, or quietness. My eyes got really big and went to shush her aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand then I felt it. A little trickle that kinda felt like I peed myself. Every one’s heads jerked in my direction. I’m pretty sure I heard a couple of necks crack from the sheer force they were cranked at. My step mom rushed me off to the bathroom to check and make sure everything was ok. I sat there on the toilet for a few seconds and she poked her head in the bathroom, caught a glimpse of my undies and said “Yup. It broke.”

The hostess gave me a pair of clean, dry panties and a pad. I slid them on and walked back into the living room to hear my step mom say something about finishing with the presents before we went to the hospital. (We were literally like 5 or 6 minutes away from the hospital.) So. I finished opening my presents, picked what I wanted to take to the hospital with me, packed everything up, and left. On the way, I called my dad and told him to pack a bag for me with my green plaid pants with the pink ribbon tie, a couple t shirts and some undies because we were going to the hospital just in case.

This is my little man at a few weeks old layin' on his Nanna

This is my little man at a few weeks old layin’ on his Nanna

About 8 hours, an almost fight in the delivery room, a small scare with my little man facing the wrong way, and a lovely discussion about who was going to win which category on the CMAs later, my little bundle of joy was finally here. Born at 7 pounds, 9 ounces and 20 inches long, my little man was finally here. He was gorgeous. He was so sweet. He was all mine. He made me feel whole.

Good Friday, April 18th, 2014, that little bundle of joy, my little man, will be four years old. He is growing up on me so fast. Next year he will be starting Kindergarten. He can use the potty by himself, completely and totally. He doesn’t need Mommy to dress him (even though I still do). He doesn’t need help eating anymore. He doesn’t cuddle anymore, too much energy for that. His laugh has changed from that cute baby giggle to that cute little kid laugh. It seems like yesterday he was my little baby. Now he really is growing up into a great little man. For four years, I’ve watched him grow and become this awesome little person. I cannot wait to see what the rest of the future has in store for me. He can be a handful, but he will always be my baby, my little man.


This is my little man on his first day of school. Look how grown up he looks.

This is my little man on his first day of school. Look how grown up he looks.


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Snow Day!

It started some time late Saturday night or early Sunday morning. Ice. Sleet. Solid sheets. Everywhere. And on top of that there is snow. So of course, schools where closed today. The plan was that I would stay home from work today with the youngest and the oldest would go to my grandma’s. For the most part, that’s what happened. The only change was that about 8 o’clock this morning, hubby walked back in the house. I was surprised and asked what he was doing home. Apparently his work was closed. So I get to stay home with him and the youngest!! Wooo!! It is March third and I am at home because schools are closed because of snow. Ok Mother Nature, we get the point. You can do whatever the heck you want. So can you want to make it spring now? Personally I’m sick and tired of the cold and the snow. Thanks, you’re the best!

It’s official. We’ve entered the terrible twos with the youngest. He hits, he spits, he throws fits. The only thing he doesn’t do is bite. Well. At least not a lot. He’s got a spanking a couple times today. Whenever he gets spanked, he hits back or spits at you. Which causes his daddy to laugh. This of course makes me even more mad. He shouldn’t be laughing at him. It dosen’t help the situation. Or my headache that has popped up. Oh, and he’s also learned how to growl. Thankfully he doesn’t do that when he is mad.

I would make this longer but my computer is about to get thrown across the room because it keeps glitching and freezing and I have this weird add bar at the bottom of the screen that I can’t get rid of…. And I’ve kinda run out of things to talk about that isn’t whining about my kids. So. Have a great week everyone!

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This a little late, but my computer and I had issues!

June 29, 2012, afternoon. I convinced my husband to take me to the hospital because I was having some pretty intense irregular contractions. So, off we went. I was soon admitted with pre-term labor. I spent a week in the hospital. The first night was the worst.
They pumped this stuff in me called magnesium citrate to stop the contractions. I don’t take IVs well in the first place. So first they gave me morphine for pain and phenagren for the nausea caused be morphine. With my arm on fire from that, they then gave me the magnesium citrate. It felt like I was on fire from one wrist, up my arm, across my chest, and down my other arm. I then proceeded to hold a plastic barf bag up to my face and tried not to dry heave. And of course, since I was in pain, I held my breath. Which made my blood oxygen levels plummet and the blood pressure cuff go crazy. Then (going to get a little TMI here for a minute) they felt a need to insert a catheter, after I repeatedly told them no, because I didn’t have to pee. After removing it, I screamed and cried and whimpered and tried to not to cut off the circulation in my husband’s hand for about 30 minutes. My step mom, who was my rock through this whole ordeal, was in Texas. My parents cut their vacation short and drove 6 hours to come be with me. By that time, the pain in everything but my arm had stopped. I was poked and prodded every four hours the first twenty-four hours, because of the magnesium. Then, I thought I was having contractions yet again, and they took my food away. Who in their right mind takes food away from a pregnant woman?! Did they want to die?! But, anyways.
After that I was in the hospital every weekend for a month, with no changes. Just irregular contractions. One time, a doctor told me that I could stay over night in the labor and delivery room I was in, if I really wanted to. I said no, wanting to sleep in my own bed.

Friday, July 13, 2012, 9 pm. (Of course it was the 13th. Just my luck right?!) My husband and I had just left the dollar movie theater after watching What to Expect When You Are Expecting. (Guys. If you haven’t seen this movie, I suggest you watch it ASAP. It’s a great movie!!) When we got in the car, I started having some uncomfortable contractions, but they weren’t regular enough for me to time. We got home and I went to lay down. Within about 30 minutes I was in tears from the pain. It wasn’t that it hurt really bad, it was uncomfortable and I didn’t really know what was going on. I’d spent a week, and every weekend for a month, in the hospital with no change. By this point I was beyond frustrated. I consulted this wonderful site, and they said to wait it out. I went against their directions and about 11:30 pm, I woke my husband up and back to the hospital we went.

My baby and his feeding tube.

My baby and his feeding tube.

Saturday, July 14, 2012, 5:30 am. My little baby boy decided to grace us with his presence. After almost ripping a nurses face off so that I could push, I finally got to meet the little boy who insisted on coming to join this crazy world earlier than he should have. They had gave me a shot for his lungs a month before so he was breathing just fine. Eating, however, wasn’t going so well. He had a tube in his nose most of the time he was in the hospital, and he was in the hospital for a week. That was the hardest thing in the world to watch. A nurse told me that we could only stay two nights in a room off the nursery. So, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night, hubby and I drove literally 10 minutes away to our town house to sleep as much as we could through crying, just to get up the next morning and drive another 10 minutes back to the hospital. Friday, a doctor (my favorite one by the way) told us that he didn’t care what anyone said, we could stay as long as he was there. The next day he went home.

His smash cake. The box was like four times bigger than the actual cake. So we were all surprised when the cake was like three inches tall and the box was like a foot tall!

His smash cake. The box was like four times bigger than the actual cake.

Sunday, July 14, 2013, 2:00 pm. My little man’s first birthday!!! Now, this birthday party. It couldn’t be easy, ya know, since it was the first. Something HAD to go wrong. A week before the party, I moved it from Saturday to Sunday because my mother in law had a float trip on Saturday. She had already spent money on the float trip, meaning she had already bought the alcohol for the float trip. So, not very many people showed up to the party. But we still had fun! However, I ended up wearing more cake than little man did!

After he smeared cake all over his face. Yes, he looks like he ate a smurf.

After he smeared cake all over his face. Yes, he looks like he ate a smurf.

Then he got done and stuck his pacy in his mouth.

Then he got done and stuck his pacy in his mouth.

After he got done playing in the cake, he had a bath and went outside with my in-laws. A few of my friends who came to the birthday stayed inside with me. I went to the bathroom and came out and had what was left of the smash cake thrown at me. I then proceeded to scream bloody murder because my friend’s wife scared the ever-loving crap out of me. The cake landed face up on the tile floor, so, of course, I grabbed and took off after her. And a cake fight ensued. After the cake fight ended and it was all cleaned up, my in-laws left and I noticed some cake sitting on the high chair still. My friend’s wife had her son laying on her, so we asked hubby to go around the corner to get her some potato salad. (Hubby was yet to be wearing any cake.) So I hid around the corner and attempted to smash cake in his face. I somewhat got him. But, I mostly just got potato salad smashed in my hair. Sadly, I do not have a picture of that. Potato salad smells horrible to me and it was all I could do not to get sick waiting to get into the bathroom to wash it out. But, I do have a picture of me wearing the cake!! So here ya go, laugh it up!! I sure did!!

The girl on the left is my friend's wife and I'm on the right. Obviously, I lost the cake fight. I was laughing way to hard to really fight back.

The girl on the left is my friend’s wife and I’m on the right. Obviously, I lost the cake fight. I was laughing way to hard to really fight back.


A Sticky Mommy is Not A Happy Mommy

Who remembers this medicine disgused as bubble glum flavored deliciousness?!

Who remembers this medicine disguised as bubble glum flavored deliciousness?!

Did you know they don’t make amoxicillin in pink anymore?! It’s now white!! Which makes it way harder to clean up off your skin after you drop the bottle and it spills everywhere!!!!! 

Friday, we took Kase to the doctor. He has an ear infection. We can’t tell if the hand foot and mouth virus has shown up yet. He’s cutting two teeth, so the spots on his face could be from his pacy rubbing on his face and the drool and stuff. So we got a prescription for that bubble gum deliciousness pictured to the left. And just a few minutes ago I went to get Kase his first dose of antibiotics. He was laying in bed with my hubby, screaming because he’s been spoiled this past week, and while I was waiting for the water to get hot, I reached into the refrigerator to grab the medicine. Apparently, someone didn’t put the lid on all the way. So, when I picked it up, it spilled. All over the floor, and all over me. I was sticy from the top of my chest to my belly button. The only reason it didn’t go any farther is because I kept my hands against my shirt to keep it where it was. But, at least it was bubble gum and not something else disgusting.

So, I got the fun task of talking to a nurse and getting  a new bottle. Thankfully, it wasn’t a ruder nurse like I normally do. Have you guys ever noticed that nurses at hospitals are ridiculously rude?! Every single time I talk to someone at the hospital, I never get answers to my questions and I just get rude nurses that ar in a hurry to get off the phone. It’s so annoying . I unserstand there are patients waiting for you, but you also have a patient on the phone asking a question. Most of the time I’m calling about my kids.

Anyways. Sorry. I’m just stressed. How’s everyone else’s weekend going?!

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Sick babies are no fun

Man….  Teething sucks!!! Kase is cutting two teeth. It’s the two next to his top front teeth. The ones in between his front teeth and his incisors. On top of that, hand foot and mouth disease/virus/whatever you wanna call it, is going aroung daycare. For those of you who don’t know what this wonderful illness is, I pulled this from the CDC website.

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a common viral illness that usually affects infants and children younger than 5 years old. However, it can sometimes occur in adults. Symptoms of hand, foot, and mouth disease include fever, blister-like sores in the mouth (herpangina), and a skin rash.

Symptoms are fever, general feeling of unwell, poor appetite, and a sore throat. A few days after the fever, sores show up in the mouth. Then, a rash shows up. It shows up on the hands and sole of the feet. It can also show up a number of other places. Thankfully, all we have is the fever. My poor baby feels like crap!! He doesn’t want to cuddle, but he doesn’t want to cuddle. The poor little guy is just miserable!!

Now. I have a question for all the mommies (and daddies I guess) out there. When I was little, I went hunting with my dad. I learned about guns. I learned to respect guns. But, once I started going to daycare, I stopped playing guns. It wasn’t allowed at daycare. I know that it’s not allowed in elementary schools. Hubby thinks that it’s no big deal. As does his family (who, by the way, still haven’t left my house….). I, on the other hand, don’t have a problem teaching my boys about guns and to respect them, but I don’t want them playing guns. It’s a big deal around here. My grandmother was a custodian at an elementary school, and it wasn’t an oddity for a kid to get suspended because he was playing guns. (The child probably had more than one offense, but still, it’s a big deal.) So my question is: Do you let your kids play guns?

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I Forgot Someone!!

Last night I went to bed at like 6:45. Guys. It was great!! But before I went to bed I was cruising Facebook, wondering why, oh why, do I still have this drama filled pit of despair?! And then I ran across one of my friend’s updates that they had liked a blog. A WordPress blog. So I clicked on it. I found a touching, tearful, scary, messy new blog to follow. The author of the blog is a mommy of three. Recently, she went through something that I hope I never have to experience. I would collapse in a puddle of hysterics, crawl into a hole, and never come out. Even though I have two kids. Jill, the author of this blog, is a strong, beautiful, amazing woman. Much stronger than I am. So, I wanted to award her the Shine On award. If someone was ever more diserving of this award it’s her. (I’m going to let her tell you guys her story. So go check out her blog!!)


Jill, I’m going to waive one of the rules, so you don’t need to mominate 15 other blogs. Unless you want to. But you do have to display this award on your blog and tell us seven things about yourself. Well, you don’t have to. But if you want to we would love to hear (read) them!!!


A Little Bit Nostalogic Today

I can’t help it. My baby will be one in 29 days!!! He is getting so big!! When he was first born his daddy could hold him with one hand!! He could barely fit in newborn clothes. And his car seat!! He was practically swimming in it!! Now, he’s almost conquered crawling and just tried to pull himself up on my table!! (He kid of slid on his butt farther underneath the table and then fell over, rather than getting up.)

My little man!!

My little man!!

Kase, pronounced like case, Daniel Ferguson was born July 14, 2012. He was born at 35 weeks and had to have a feeding tube inserted into his nose because he wasn’t eating. After spending a week in the hospital with pre-term labor, having my food taken away, and being in and out of the hospital for a month, I had to spend another week in the hospital with my baby. Thankfully they gave me a steroid shot while I was in pre-term labor to increase his lung production, so he was breathing perfectly fine. He was actually quiet compared to his brother. Key word there, was.

This was the day he came home from the hopital. He was so tiny!!

This was the day he came home from the hospital. He was so tiny!!

Now, he is spoiled rotten. He slept in bed with mommy and daddy for six months. Then, mommy got tired of sleeping in uncomfortable positions. So mommy put him in his own bed. He still falls asleep on my dear hubby’s chest every night, and he’s held a lot more than he should be. But his giggle is the most contagious thing ever. And, when he’s in his walker and he drops something, watching him walk in circles trying to figure out how to get it is rather humorous.He’s a cuddly little ball of fun, most of the time. Not to mention that he has curly hair just like his daddy. So, when he wakes up the back of his hair, which is the longest part, is a mass of curls poking out everywhere.

I look at my oldest and remember his first birthday like it was yesterday. I know Kase’s will be the same way. I’m so excited to watch him attempt to eat cake and figure out what the hell his mommy put in front of him. He has his two bottom teeth but his top two have just barely poked out from his gums, so he hasn’t really been introduced to very many solid foods. So hopefully he will be able to eat it. We are still deciding on the theme. Actually, I haven’t even began to debate what I want to do. His party is 28 days aways, so I guess I better hurry up and decide!! The party is going to be at my house so I’m not sure how crazy I want to go with decorations and what not. I will be sure to try to remember to take pictures and post them!!

Supporting his daddy's favorite football team.

Supporting his daddy’s favorite football team. (His bib says “everything tastes better when we order take out.)



I can’t even describe what’s going through my mind right now… On Tuesday my dad called and asked what the last name of a friend of mine was. I told him I didn’t know what name she would go by, as her husband and her were no longer together, so I gave him both names. He said that someone with the same name as her was in a car wreck over Memorial Day weekend.

I got off the phone and scoured Facebook. Neither her, her parents nor her brother had been on Facebook recently enough for me to think they would see a message from me, but I sent on to her anyway. I then Googeled every news station between my town and the Missouri state line.  I found multiple articles on the wreck but nothing concrete enough for me to know it was her. I went back to Facebook and compared names and ages. There was a baby in the car with her that didn’t make it. Later articles stated that there was another baby, who was 6 months old, in the car and was taken to the hospital. Today, I found an article, compared names and ages, and it is, indeed my friend.

Her, her boyfriends infant daughter, and her 6 month old daughter were in the car when my friend lost control. The car hit a sign, slid down an embankment, struck some trees, and landed on it’s side. My friend and her 6 month old were taken to a hospital for treatment, but her boyfriends daughter didn’t make it.

I can’t even describe the pain I feel. Her and I have been best friends since preschool. We went to school from then all the way through high school together. Despite some mishaps, we both graduated on time and together. I saw her in the hospital when she gave birth to her baby boy. I was a bridesmaid at her wedding. I helped her in her dress, helped her with her hair, helped her pee, fixed her dress at the alter, and gave the toast at the reception. Unfortunately, I haven’t met her daughter. I didn’t even know her and her husband had split up and that she had a boyfriend.

Life moves so fast sometimes, that you lose track of the people who have been there forever. You forget who has really supported you and stood by you through everything. You lose touch with the people who should be the first to know things. And that’s what happened between her and I. She has been my friend through ups, downs, high school, drama, boyfriends, ex-boyfriends, divorces, and pregnancy. Remember those people who have been there through all that and more, keep them close. You never know when something like this can happen.

I apologize for such an sad post today. We will finish the 30 days tomorrow. I do not have any solid information form her or her family. After finding out about the wreck, I messaged her on Facebook, called both numbers I had for her, stopped by her house, and called the hospital she was at. I’m not pushing this issue, as her boyfriend doesn’t know me and if it is her, I’m sure he wont’ want a stranger up in their business at this point in time. Hopefully, I will have some information soon. 


This’ll be Fun!!

This post. It’s gonna be a good one!!

Day Twenty Eight. What would you if you got someone pregnant or if you were pregnant? Now, considering I’m, well, a woman, if got someone pregnant I would be the richest woman ALIVE!!! Men would officially cease to be needed. (Sorry guys! We will be nice and put all y’all on a nice tropical island somewhere!!) I think it would get a little old me being the only woman to get other women’s eggos preggo, so I would be fundin’ some research!! And as much as I hate being a guinea pig, the attention would be nice!

But, if I was the one with the preggo eggo, I would be suing some doctors!!! This is gonna get a little personal for a minute, personal in way that I don’t think this was meant for buuuut, it’s a tad necessary with this one. See, I gots one of those awesome IUD thingys that keeps you from getting pregnant for like 5 years. I know they aren’t 100% effective, so I probably wouldn’t be suing anyone, but someone would definitely have some explaining to do!! In all seriousness though, I would definitely keep the baby. It wouldn’t be ideal at this point in time but I don’t believe in abortion and adoption just isn’t for me and my husband. (This truth is not about my views on abortion so that will be saved for another day.)

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Listen up, Interweb!!

I’m going to make this short and sweet!! Guess what!? It’s SPRING!!!

Spriiiiiing!!! Source

Spriiiiiing!!! Source 



It’s time for baby animals and pretty flowers!! It’s time for little girls in the cutest dresses ever and little boys in button ups and khakis! Time for random rain showers and sandals!! Time for it to be warm and comfortable outside!!!

Oh to walk down this path!! how gorgeous!!  Source

Oh to walk down this path!! how gorgeous!! Source


And the flowers!!! Don’t even get me started on the flowers!!

Flowers! Flowers everywhere! Source

Flowers! Flowers everywhere! Source

Yup... Definitely going to have plant some roses by the front door! Source

Yup… Definitely going to have plant some roses by the front door! Source





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